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Participate in HK's Female Talent Pipeline Study

The University of Hong Kong and Meraki Executive Search & Consulting (via our partnership on the Women’s Directorship Programme) have launched a study, examining the current management of the female talent pipeline within companies in Hong Kong.

Why get involved:

With the help and support of companies in Hong Kong, we intend to produce a comprehensive overview of the talent pipeline so we can work together to best advance and retain superb female leaders.

We are all well aware of the need to ensure there is a strong female talent pipeline in place to empower more women to reach the boardroom and senior leadership positions. However, we are equally familiar with the phenomenon of the leaking talent pipeline, but less aware of how to best manage it. Many studies explore the make-up of boardrooms and executive teams, but we don’t have a clear picture of exactly what is happening to female talent at the mid-to senior levels of management, and why so many companies are struggling to retain and hire top female talent at these levels. The reports that do examine this phenomenon are mainly conducted in the US and Europe, and tend to highlight ‘fixing’ the women and not the business environment – which is exactly the element we will be exploring in more depth to offer practical solutions.

How to get involved:

We urge all Hong Kong based companies to support this initiative by participating in this study to help identify solutions and best practice processes. This involves taking part in a quantitative survey here: FEMALE TALENT PIPELINE STUDY, and for those interested, followed up by a qualitative interview exploring what is working within your organisation and where you are encountering problems.

The final study will also include an intergenerational study of the perceptions of women as they rise through the ranks and the challenges they face (from University level to the board), to fully explore the issue of the leaking female talent pipeline.

The survey will be open until the end of December (30th). We look forward to hearing your insights and sharing the findings with you.

For more information, or to nominate your company for interview, please contact

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